[a 2010 article - re-produced here purely for information]
The ‘clip’ boxes varied
in the number of clips, 40 & 119 in the larger boxes, and 51 in the
smaller; note that these boxes also varied in thickness. The ‘dry fly’ details
are self-explanatory and the boxes numbers 6, 7 & 8 are the ‘pipe cleaner’
boxes, as many refer to them.
Also added was box
number 9, an asymmetrical ‘pipe cleaner’ box with one side deeper than the
other, the idea being that larger winged flies didn’t get squashed.
Hardy Neroda Article, February 2010,
(copyright Brian Taylor 2010)
Angling Collectables
Looking for something to collect? The sport of angling has
long offered collectable accessories - vintage reels, fine split cane rods and
beautifully tied flies immediately spring to mind. From Elfric the Abbot
writing in his “Collequy” in the tenth
century, via Dame Juliana’s “Treatyse of ffyshynge
with an Angle” in 1496, to contemporary magazines, blogs and forums,
anglers have long been fascinated by their equipment. Many of these ‘tools’ are
useable assets and often prove to be good investments. Quality goods
appreciate, remain collectable, and your grandchildren may one day be
pleasantly surprised. The subject of this article is an object where there is a
distinct possibility of getting that rare thing, a “full set”.
Most people, and all anglers, know the company - “Hardy
Brothers of Alnwick”. A business established in the 19th
century which has supplied Kings and scholars, Maharajas and dilettantes,
Presidents and trout bums with some of the worlds finest fishing kit. First
appearing in their 1934 Hardy’s Anglers’ Guide is the Hardy Neroda Fly Box. This Bakelite box was
an improvement on their previous Japanned Tin fly boxes, which were prone to
rusting and the japanning flaked off. The Neroda Fly Box
continued to grace Hardy’s catalogues until at least 1963 and was gone by 1967.
Bakelite was the world's first synthetic plastic. Its
electrical non-conductivity and heat-resistance made it suitable for many
applications. Created by the Belgian inventor, Dr Leo Baekeland in 1907 it has
been used for many things including electrical insulators, old radios and
telephones, jewellery boxes, pipe stems, eggcups and salt and pepper pots. Polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydrideit
or phenol formaldehyde (PF) as it is commonly
called, with the application of heat and pressure becomes what we now call
After a lot of help from the British Plastics Historical
Society, the conclusion is that Bakelite Ltd made these boxes. To quote Ian Holdsworth of the Plastics Historical Society: “The history
of the Bakelite company is a little complicated and at this time (late
1920’s/early 30’s) you have to think of Bakelite Ltd. as a group or
amalgamation of a number of different companies, including two moulding
companies called Mouldensite Ltd and Redmanol Ltd. Both of these companies were
absorbed under the Bakelite umbrella and produced quality moulded goods from
Bakelite phenolic moulding powders. Either could have made your boxes although
I favour Redmanol Ltd. in particular as it was famous for producing high
quality mouldings - albeit now under the generic Bakelite Ltd. company name.”
We believe that the bare Bakelite boxes then went to Messrs
Richard Wheatley at their Constitution Hill Works in Birmingham where they were
fitted out. Wheatley were long established manufacturers of Fly clips and
Leather Goods. During discussions with Clive Edwards, owner and curator of the
Richard Wheatley Museum, he confirmed that they produced a number of items for
Hardy Bros including block leather reel cases, fly and cast wallets and black
japanned clip boxes. He also pointed out that Hardy’s Holdtite clips, as seen
in the Neroda Fly boxes, could be found in some examples of Wheatleys own brand
Enough of the science, Hardy’s 1934 catalogue introduced the
new product and showed 8 different boxes:
The boxes were available in two separate nominal sizes, 6 ¼”
x 3 ¾” and 3 ⅞” x 2 ½”.

This included two
additional clip boxes, 1A and 1B, both of the thinnest size. The 1A was for
smaller salmon flies (singles rather than doubles), still with 40 clips, and
the 1B with 70 clips.
The other two boxes were
what Hardys called their ‘Kenya’ Neroda box, lined with soft rubber – a quite
rare box to find in original condition.
Another variant is the relatively rare ‘Tube Fly Box’. (below)
These boxes continued to appear in Hardy’s Anglers’ Guides
until 1963.
Below, a rare “Neroda Tube Fly Box”
The Hardy Logo as it normally appears on the boxes (very rarely these can be
found blank – see below)
a larger size “Dry Fly”
box – the ‘lids’ are usually a slightly yellowish/clear Perspex type material
with upturned lips to open them with, or occasionally, with nickel silver
Neroda boxes were produced in two different colours, which
most collectors refer to as ‘Oxblood’ and Tortoiseshell’; the ‘Oxblood’ boxes
have always been slightly more collectable.
The two different colours - tortoiseshell and oxblood |
As well as these variations there are two types of hinge -
brass and nickel silver, some with three screws per side and others with two.
Below, 2 excellent examples of the “Tube Fly
A pair of rare Salmon
Fly, 40 clip, boxes with "gold plated" clip plates.
There are a number of other small variations, but I don’t
want to completely ruin another fun part of collecting which is the research.
As anyone who collects ‘Hardy’ equipment, whether it be
reels, rods or anything else, will tell you that once you think you have it all
figured out a new example will appear that contradicts all that you previously
I would add that Hardy have recently re-introduced a new
Neroda box to their range. They are produced in two versions, a green and a
brown mottled ‘tortoiseshell’ pattern, distinguished from the older ones by a
circular gold Hardy logo and lined with foam. This is a different animal to the
one discussed above and, whilst it may become collectable in years to come, it
is not within the scope of this article
© Brian Taylor, February 2010
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